
What we did in a similar situation was have the front-end program perform only 
those tasks that needed to be APF-authorized and then turn off its 
APF-authorization and call the remaining programs that did not need 

I believe the latest version of MVS Planning: Security is circa 1984.

Regards, Bob

Robert S. Hansel
Lead RACF Specialist
RSH Consulting, Inc.
2014-2015 RACF Training
- Audit & Compliance Roadmap - Boston - APR 21-24, 2015
- Intro & Basic Admin - WebEx - JUN 22-26, 2015

-----Original Message-----
Date:    Sun, 15 Mar 2015 11:37:30 -0700
From:    Charles Mills <>
Subject: Re: APF-authorized calling non-authorized

Okay. I hear you. Here is the business problem.

I need to develop program X. It must run APF-authorized to do one of the
things it needs to do. I have written APF-authorized programs before and I
more or less know what I am doing. I know enough to ask (some of?) the right
questions and have the proper concerns.

It also needs to do something we will call "processing A." It just so
happens that there is an IBM program Y that does exactly A. (In fact, the
real purpose of program X is front-ending program Y and doing some
additional things, one of which requires authorization). The IBM program is
AC=0 in an authorized library. I of course do not have the source for Y and
so cannot inspect it for potential integrity issues.

What do you suggest? Must I re-write Y from scratch so I may be relatively
certain of its integrity?

The only alternative I see is calling (LINK, etc.) Y from X.

I agree with you. While we can be relatively confident that Y does nothing
"bad" intentionally its authors presumably never intended it to run
authorized. They may have said "oh, don't worry about that -- it will ABEND
if anyone tries to do THAT" and that assumption will no longer be valid.


No, there does not appear to be a V2R1 manual called MVS Planning: Security.


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