On 23 Dec 2015 15:52:13 -0800, in bit.listserv.ibm-main you wrote:

>on 12/23/2015
>   at 04:52 PM, Mike Schwab <mike.a.sch...@gmail.com> said:
>>On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
>><shmuel+ibm-m...@patriot.net> wrote:
>>> In
>>> <29b16432403d6c45a9bee5f0302d191779b9f...@vss-exchmb1.sfg.corp.LOCAL>,
>>> on 12/23/2015
>>>    at 05:27 PM, "Pommier, Rex" <rpomm...@sfgmembers.com> said:
>>>>Maybe in way of compromise, SMP/E should set a RC=6 instead of 8
>>>>where maintenance is stopped due to an error hold.  :-)
>>> How does an error hold differ from a system hold?
>>Where a PTF has an ERROR worse than the problem it fixes and IBM
>>recommends NOT installing.
>Let me rephrase that: How is refusing to apply a PTF with an error
>hold worse than refusing to apply a PTF with a system hold? The ones
>to worry about are the ones that *do* go on.
Refusing to apply a PTF with an error hold is just normal business
that needs little programmer action.  PTFs with DOC HOLDs and other
HOLDs that require programmer action followed by a bypass are of a
different nature.  The DOC HOLD I assume requires the programmer to
read the DOC.

Clark Morris

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