On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:12 PM, Rick Troth <tro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Helpful, because I am preparing yet another MF intro,
> where the acronyms seem to be what confuse non-mainframers more than
> anything else.
> Where do you place VSE? (since it's not one of "the big two")

​Descended from DOS.​

> Lineage of TPF would also be interesting.

​Descended from ACP (Airline Control Program).

I worked at Braniff Airways before it went under. The reservation system
ran ACP on a 2 Meg 3033. The thing would IPL in about 5 seconds. The ACP
systems people were a bit strange. They had the source and modified it. I
remember the CE complaining that the ACP attached tapes (3420s) would just
die with "no warnings at all" whereas the MVT (yes MVT on a 3033) and, a
bit later MVS and VM would show temp errors. The ACP people then told the
CE that they had removed all logging of temporary errors to speed up
processing. Not just on the tapes, but on the 3344 disks as well. IIRC, the
3344s on ACP actually used "software duplexing" for reliability.

Werner Heisenberg is driving down the autobahn. A police officer pulls
him over. The officer says, "Excuse me, sir, do you know how fast you
were going?"
"No," replies Dr. Heisenberg, "but I know where I am."

Computer Science is the only discipline in which we view adding a new wing
to a building as being maintenance -- Jim Horning

Schrodinger's backup: The condition of any backup is unknown until a
restore is attempted.

He's about as useful as a wax frying pan.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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