W dniu 2016-03-02 o 06:50, Timothy Sipples pisze:
Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
That's another option, surely it is legal and counts as one CBU test,
but it does not allow to downsize from 7nn to 6nn or 5nn or 4nn capacity
True, but you have lots of LPAR constraint settings to accomplish
fundamentally the same thing if you wish.

I like Ken Porowski's idea very much. Keep in mind that a DR test needs to
be a DR test. If you're running out of ideas on what to test or rehearse,
then you probably just haven't done enough thinking yet. :-) (Hint: It
might not be the mainframe! Or try metaphorically incapacitating half or
more of the IT staff -- as they're off trying to save their spouses and
children instead of their employer's IT -- and discover what "hilarity"
ensues.) Every test you run is some other test you don't have time or
resources to run. Imagination is wonderful and fantastic, but imagination
well directed is even better.

Finally, this particular test (testing the "tallness" of engines) you have
already undoubtedly run, more than once. You previously ran this test when
you upgraded to your current machine model. A z13 capacity model 702 is not
a z12EC capacity model 702, for example. Engine "tallness" is never exactly
the same across model generations. A z12EC capacity model 702 is quite like
a hypothetical sub-capacity engine-equipped z13 -- somewhere between a 602
and a 702 z13, closer to the latter.

The only thing I want to accomplish now is to know whether multiple "Perform Model Conversion" operations during CBU test are allowed or not. Yes, there are other methods to skin the cat, but what's wrong with knowledge whether method #101 is possible? That clearly remains me Stanisław Lem's sepulki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepulka) .

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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