On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 01:40:07 +0000, Anthony Thompson 
<anthony.thomp...@nt.gov.au> wrote:

>Pardon for getting the input wrong. New JCL: 
>//<jobcard stuff>
>//  EXPORT SYMLIST=*                                                    
>//STEP1    EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                            
>//SYSUT1   DD   DATA,SYMBOLS=JCLONLY,DCB=LRECL=222                      
>  This is a test of symbol use in instream data sets.     Test here: &TEST
>//SYSUT2   DD   SYSOUT=(,)                                              
>//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=(,)                                              
>//SYSIN    DD   DUMMY                                                   
>I'm supposing you used the TSO SUBMIT command to submit the job. A foible of 
>TSO SUBMIT is that it doesn't do input greater than 80 characters. 
Actually, I used FTP which allows up to 254.

>So you've got an 80-byte SYSUT1 input but you're telling the system it's 
>really 222 bytes. Bang. I/O error.
Is there any documented restriction I'm violating?  Since I see none, I'm 
pressing my SR for an APAR.

What was your RECFM.  Try it with RECFM=VB.

>I put the same JCL above into a dataset with LRECL 222 and submitted it to an 
>internal reader via IEBGENER (ICEGENER). Job Finished with RC 0.  
It seems that the only thing one can specify as LRECL is what it already is.  
Why is
the option explicitly supported?

Actually, by experiment, it's very complicated.  Which is why I have an RCF in
asking for a detailed explanation, and why IBM has been unable to supply the
information for 15 months.

-- gil

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