On Mon, 7 May 2018 07:05:19 -0500, Tom Marchant <m42tom-ibmm...@yahoo.com> 

>>If GETMAIN is modified as I requested,
>>the 16 MiB to 4 GiB region will be a continuous
>>region and a GETMAIN of 3 GiB will work so long
>>as there hasn't been fragmentation. ie a 32-bit
>>program can allocate a single 3 GiB chunk.
>No, it couldn't. The top op the 2 GB address space is ELSQA, ECSA, and EPLPA.

Is there anything preventing those areas being relocated
closer to the 16 MiB line?

>You keep talking about a "32-bit program" as if that is a thing. It isn't.

What terminology do you suggest using for a
program that only uses the 32-bit registers
as found in S/370, but may be running in any
AMODE including AM64?

BFN. Paul.

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