On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 9:42 AM, Tim Hare <haresystemssupp...@comcast.net>

> This is, actually, a request for records - I was using the 1-byte average
> record size because I thought the original poster wanted to allocate in
> megabytes.  If you want to request records and you know the LRECL or the
> average LRECL,  use AVGREC=U/K/M,  and SPACE=(avgLRECL,(pri,sec))  where
> 'pri' and 'sec' are in records (AVGREC=U), thousands of records (AVGREC=K),
> or millions of records (AVGREC=M).
> My only problem with this was convincing application programmers to use
> it. I used it all the time, but still found application programmers trying
> to calculate efficient block sizes (they did, eventually, see the BLKSIZE=0
> light) and use various 'space calculators' to come up with a number of
> cylinders.   I proposed, but never got to do, a 'what you don't know about
> zOS' class to touch on some of these things.
​I remember a few years ago, when I was going over this facility with some
programmers, one of them said something along the lines of "I don't know
how many records I need. I just know that I need 100 cylinders."​

We all have skeletons in our closet.
Mine are so old, they have osteoporosis.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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