On 2018-10-17 15:25, Carmen Vitullo wrote:
you mentioned this was not your system but also add;

We are seeing a ABEND306-4 issued by FOCUS (not by IBM Contents
Supervision) after a BLDL against DDname USERLIB returns with GPR15=00000004, 
R0=00000000, GPR1=00000306. System trace shows that PDSMAN code gets control 
for the BLDL, but IBM code does not, hence our interest in how PDSMAN responds 
to dynamic APF additions.

The data set is in the APF list with volume*SMS*  and we have been assured that 
it was added to APF dynamically before the above abend. In the dump, 

PDSMAN at the site I supported was used to monitor PDS's and member usage and 
run reports for statistics.

Sorry I don't have PDSMAN and I don't recall what all the options or rules are 
but I don't think PDSMAN / traps, or intercepts dynamic APF updates.

Correct. We don't have PDSMAN ourselves, but received a dump for the ABEND306-4 from a customer who does have PDSMAN.


Regards, Gord Tomlin
Action Software International
(a division of Mazda Computer Corporation)
Tel: (905) 470-7113, Fax: (905) 470-6507
Support: https://actionsoftware.com/support/

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