I forgot, the mainframe experts can’t be trusted.

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On Sunday, May 12, 2019, 8:42 PM, Phil Smith III <li...@akphs.com> wrote:

Bill Johnson posted a couple more links to mainframe blog posts from a 
mainframe vendor-more asking the barber if you need a shave; but even ignoring 
that, you don't appear to have actually read the articles, Bill.


The first one 
  says IBM Z is more secure because it's less common. That's not inherent 
security; that's like saying your car is less vulnerable because you park it 
far from the madding crowd. It may be *attacked* less, but that doesn't make it 
inherently more *secure*.


The second article 
<https://blog.syncsort.com/2018/06/mainframe/9-mainframe-statistics/>  cites a 
bunch of fun statistics, including repeating that many large enterprises use 
them. Again, that says nothing about superior technology or security: the 
L-word (legacy) can entirely explain this. It doesn't *have* to, but you're 
just not coming up with any evidence to support your position, sir.


You also asked:

> Can you provide evidence that says non mainframe platforms are as secure or 
> more secure than the mainframe? 


I'm not the one making claims about one technology being gooderT than another: 
I'm merely suggesting that there's no evidence to support your assertion that 
IBM Z is more secure. Asking for support of an unsubstantiated assertion is 
always reasonable-otherwise I can claim the moon is made of green cheese and 
expect you to believe it, right?



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