Barry Leiba wrote:
> The DKIM Working Group requests the publication of
> draft-ietf-dkim-mailinglists-10 as a BCP. Alternatively, this document
> might be suitable for Pete's "Applicability Statement" experiment, at
> the Proposed Standard level.
> Please see the attached PROTO writeup.
> Barry, DKIM working group chair

>  (1.b) Has the document had adequate review both from key WG members 
>        and from key non-WG members? Does the Document Shepherd have 
>        any concerns about the depth or breadth of the reviews that 
>        have been performed?  
> The document has adequate review, and I have no concerns about the 
> level of review.

>  (1.e) How solid is the WG consensus behind this document? Does it 
>        represent the strong concurrence of a few individuals, with 
>        others being silent, or does the WG as a whole understand and 
>        agree with it?   

> There is consensus of the working group, as a whole, behind it.  A
> minority of participants feel that the advice given in the last paragraph
> of section 1 is all that makes sense, and that the rest of the document
> isn't needed (see "Working Group Summary" later in this writeup).  Those
> participants are willing to accept this document, nonetheless, seeing
> no harm in it.

I was the MLM I-D non-acknowledged person who highlighted the 
interoperability problem with MLM and DKIM (RFC4871) and ADSP (RFC5617 
plus all other related document.  The Author Domain awareness 
solutions described were my inputs ad outlined in the expired 2006 

As described in MLM I-D section 1.1:

    The DKIM signing specification deliberately rejects the notion of
    tying the signing domain (the "d=" tag in a DKIM signature) to any
    other identifier within a message; any ADMD that handles a message
    could sign it, regardless of its origin or author domain.  In
    particular, DKIM does not define any meaning to the occurrence of a
    match between the content of a "d=" tag and the value of, for
    example, a domain name in the RFC5322.From field, nor is there any
    obvious degraded value to a signature where they do not match.  Since
    any DKIM signature is merely an assertion of "some" responsibility by
    an ADMD, a DKIM signature added by an MLM has no more, nor less,
    meaning than a signature with any other "d=" value.

This must be a PROBLEM statement because the MLM I-D offers solutions 
to deal with protocol definable "obvious" associations declared by the 
author domain.

If there is a consensus to accept this MLM I-D document to address 
concerns with the MLM interoperability problems, then it conflicts 
with the stated non-consensus chair conclusion related to Ticket #25 
for RFC4871bis to close the issue.

Hector Santos, CTO

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