> PS - i let the draft in question expire because i wanted to.
> that's the nice thing about expiry - the author retains a tiny
> modicum of control over something.  the notion that people
> other than the author can usurp control and publish it anyway
> is repugnant and is plagarism, pure and simple, no matter
> whether the author gets listed or not.  you didn't have permission,
> it's plagarism, if not theft.

That doesn't make sense to me.  (But I admit I'm far from a wizard
on IETF procedures and rules.)

Are you trying to tell me that somebody can publish a draft, and then
"let it expire" just because they don't like the changes that other
people suggest?  Does the author get veto power over improvements
that a working group agrees to?

I'll happily grant the author some degree of control.  The IETF
can't force any author to do any work they don't want to do.  But
if the author and a WG don't agree, it seems reasonable to me that
the WG should be allowed to keep refining the original ideas.  That
might require finding somebody else to do the editing.  (I assume
the WG would be polite enough to give the early authors credit or
leave their names off the new/refined/plagarized document as they

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