On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Shanker R Swaminathan wrote:

> Any responses for this article? How about posting them to this site itself
> ? Does Linux really have the weaknesses as outlined here ? If so what are
> the fixes?

  The only 'weakness' mentioned was large-scale servers running IRC.  I
have heard of no case where Linux as a software platform was not able to
stand up to this type of work, although have heard of small Intel boxes
(IE: Multi-processor PII ;-) not being able to do it.

 I just dont get what this author was trying to do other than to be a
'Feedback magnet'.  Looking at the list and the regular boring suject
lines seems to indicate that this is what happened.  If someone can gleam
the actual valid points from the article and post them, we can then
discuss them.

  As to the 'Big UNIX vendors' - many are stepping up to moving to
supporting Open Source/Free Software systems anyway.  Does it really
matter is the kernel is the one that Linus and Alan manages, or one of the
BSD derivatives (There are some advantages to using the tried-and-true
when you want stability and don't mind pre-determining what hardware you
will use)? All the same application-level software runs on them, they all
link to glibc, and so on.
  Then again, I see Free Software as the moment, Linux just being one of
the products of the moment, and thus would look at this differently.

 Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://russell.flora.org/work/>
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