>   I would like to request Sandip to point creative.lug-delhi.org ( since I
> no longer believe its the community that controls linux-delhi.org domain
> and Sandip doesn't claim anything official about what is on his domain ) 
> to the original site and can Mairu ( who also happens to moderate the
> content on the current linux-delhi.org site ) act as a moderator for the
> creative content and make sure the site's 

While I have no problem pointing creative.lug-delhi.org to the previous
content, my personal wish is that all community interactions happen
under the linux-delhi.org domain. lug-delhi.org is supposed to be a
passive supplemental(non-overlapping) resource for the LUG. I would hate
to see it be an *alternative* to linux-delhi.org.

Can we please ask both sides to start all over again? So far we have
heard arguments from both sides about 
a) How the sponsor is supposed to have brought down the site
unilaterally when their conditions were not met.
b) And how the site was announced without taking the sponsor into
confidence and without first resolving all the sponsorship issues.

None of us in the LUG who were not involved in the exercise can do much
about resolving the issue. 

Please start the discussions all over again, and bury your problems with
each other.

Raj doesnt seem to have any problem with the sponsor link. He has
mentioned that he only had a problem with the way the site was taken
offline. If we let bygones be bygones, can Raj point the domain to the
previous content again, with a sponsor link this time?

And Tarun, can you also cool down :) and continue your fine work. And
Vivek, can you please reconsider and work along with the original team
and get the site back up again? And Sudev, can Nuchem continue the
hosting offer?

I see a problem only if any of the above refuses to let bygones be
bygones and keeps harping on what happened.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Work: http://www.puroga.com   *    Home/Blog: http://www.sandipb.net/blog

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