On June 17, 11:43 pm Mark Crispin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Jason Munro wrote:

> >  solution I know of to get around this problem for a client written in
> >  a language unable to maintain a stateful connection is an imap proxy
> >  type solution which presents its own set of problems for which I am
> >  not prepared to address at this time.
> Other implementors have addressed this problem, and create only one IMAP
> session for the duration of the webmail session.

Interesting, I will have to investigate how this can be accomplished. AFAIK
PHP does not provide the functionality to maintain a persistent socket
connection with an IMAP server after the script execution has completed. I
would *love* to provide that if it is possible. Another issue I have is
that my client uses its own functions to perform the IMAP communications
because I have not been impressed with the built-in PHP functions. I have
been pleasantly surprised with the performance even with the additional
connect/disconnect overhead (even over ssl) but to keep the session active
and update via status and select calls makes my mouth water :)

I guess that goes on my to-do list right around how to eliminate the list
"" * call (my client currently only supports a "flat" list of folders since
there is only a folder list drop down box)

thanks for the response

 \__ Jason Munro
   \____ http://hastymail.sourceforge.net/

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