David Thornley wrote:

> (The biggest single problem I get is when people type
> cvs tag -F RELEASE_x_y
> rather than
> cvs tag -F RELEASE_x_y_MERGED
> where the first is the branch tag

It seems to me that moving a branch tag is almost NEVER the
right thing to do, while moving a non-branch tag is a (comparatively)
normal operation...

Would it make some kind of sense to make "cvs tag -F" refuse to 
move a branch tag and require something special to be typed in
to indicate to CVS that you KNOW that you're moving a branch tag?
(or should the capability be removed altogether, or require the use
of "cvs admin" or require direct editing of RCS files?)

The consequences of accidentally moving a branch tag can easily 
be really bad, especially if it isn't noticed for awhile.

BTW, be careful when doing merges using -kk, as, if I recall correctly,
this can suppress -kb and cause unintentional corruption of binaries.
(Well, I saw this happen to a user here once, but, maybe he did something
wrong I wasn't aware of.  Generally I avoid keyword conflicts by avoiding
keywords altogether, so I'm not all that familiar with all the hazards in
this area, other than having stumbled into them once or twice.)

-- steve

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