>Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 22:46:42 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Stephen Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: cvs tag -F and branch tags, (was Re: Branches vs. keyword 
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id AAA03817
>David Thornley wrote:
>> (The biggest single problem I get is when people type
>> cvs tag -F RELEASE_x_y
>> rather than
>> cvs tag -F RELEASE_x_y_MERGED
>> where the first is the branch tag
>It seems to me that moving a branch tag is almost NEVER the
>right thing to do, while moving a non-branch tag is a (comparatively)
>normal operation...

I quite often move branch tags.  Usually, I only do this when there is 
no development on that branch for that file.  This allows me to keep 
up with the current development without creating multiple branches.  I 
just move the branch tag up to the tip revision, do "cvs update" and I 
am back to the latest and greatest. 

Stephen Rasku                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer        Web:    http://www.tgivan.com/
TGI Technologies                        http://www.pop-star.net/

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