On 25-Jan-99 at 12:19, Justin Scott Shriver ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> No flame here Douglas.  Let me add my comment and philosophy on this. 
> Microsoft is only in slight trouble now, and that is because they have
> NOT delivered what they promised.  For Linux to succeed we need to be
> honest with potential users.  For example Linux was NEVER developed with
> stability as a primary goal.  As a Unix product it is considered quite
> unstable.  What is amazing is the MS's commercial products are SO bad that
> Linux appears relatively stable.

Hmm, if you were trying to rekindle the flame, I'd give this an A.
When you say linux is considered "quite unstable" are you drawing
on your own experiences? Because if it were my turn to make a
blanket statement like that, I'd say quite the opposite. Vendors
such as IBM, Sun, and SGI work mainly with their own hardware. And
yet, linux somehow manages to remain as "stable", if not more so,
than those companies, with all the different bastardized hardware
out there running it. Of course, if you're one to hang out on the
bleeding edge, testing experimental kernels, or experimental
hardware, you should know the risks.

Anyway Ryan, to add something constructive (at least somewhat) here,
if *all* you're interested in is running windows 95/98/nt applications,
then you probably won't be too interested in what linux has to
offer. If, however, you are interested in something more stable,
and you have a fairly standard PC (whatever that means), and would
like to be able to run some windows apps in addition to whatever
the unix world has to offer in the way of free software, the outlook
is less grim. It would be best if you had a more experienced linux
person around to help you, but of course if you are really interested
then all that really buys you is some time, because you *can* learn
it all yourself (eventually).

All this is all pretty off topic, but the newsgroup
comp.os.linux.advocacy, along with a few hours on Alvista's news
search, should be able to answer any remaining questions you
have. Good luck, whatever route you take.


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