> -----Original Message-----
> From: francis.dup...@fdupont.fr [mailto:francis.dup...@fdupont.fr]
> Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 10:30 AM
> To: Dan Wing
> Cc: 'Eggert, Lars'; mohamed.boucad...@orange.com; 'Internet Area'
> Subject: Re: [Int-area] Completion of working group last call for
> draft-ietf-intarea-nat-reveal-analysis-02
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
> >  What analysis is missing from draft-ietf-intarea-nat-reveal-analysis
> >  to weigh the drawbacks of the 8 solutions.
> => there are two kinds of drawbacks: the technical drawbacks and the
> not
> technical drawbacks, e.g., the impact on privacy... Note because if the
> second kind I am strongly against the 3.3 (if not changed into a SHOULD
> NOT :-) and I suggested to "NOT RECOMMEND" all proposals perhaps at
> the exception of one (i.e., leave one proposal without any
> recommendation).
> Regards
> francis.dup...@fdupont.fr
> PS: IMHO only the not advertised port set makes sense, any other
> proposal
> deployed in countries where privacy is protected (any place in European
> Union for instance) should make the ISP to be sued...
> PPS: we can postpone the discussion to Berlin meeting (privacy concerns
> are pushed in Germany clearly behind the sillyness point :-).

You keep saying "privacy", but without explaining the problem or
how IPv4 address sharing makes privacy better or worse than IPv6.
Without that, 


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