
I too am very appreciative of your efforts to extend and enhance
Intermapper's abilities.  It's truly refreshing to see.

I'm starting to use the notification schedule mechanism in InterMapper
to forward notifications of SNMP traps using the "Notify Via: Electronic
mail (SMTP)" option.  It does exactly what I need it to for the link
up/down traps that we receive from our Catalysts but there's one thing
that I would like to see:

- Currently when it sends the email it tells you the ifIndex of the
interface that has gone up/down and in many cases that isn't always
intuitive or easy to identify.  It would be nice if there was a way to
change that flag such that it forwards the <Port Name> instead of the
ifIndex.  For example, in Cisco CatOS it would be nice to translate it
to mod/port or in Cisco IOS interface ATM#/#/#.#, GigabitEthernet #/#,

Thanks a million,

David Visick

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard E. Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:00 AM
> Subject: InterMapper and Reporting - Take 2
> Folks:
> A few weeks ago, I sent a request to the InterMapper-Talk
> list asking for your thoughts on reporting facilities that 
> you would like to see in future versions of InterMapper. 
> Thanks to all who responded. I have summarized the responses 
> on this page:
>       http://www.intermapper.com/featurerequests/reporting.html
> I want to give a second chance to people who didn't have time
> to respond the first time. Please read the original request 
> (below), and respond to this list. We'll add your thoughts to 
> our list.
> In addition, I have asked a colleague, Carl Pedersen, to
> follow up with people who have replied. He'll contact you 
> through e-mail or phone to ask some in-depth questions about 
> what you'd like to see.
> Thanks!
> Rich Brown
> Dartware, LLC
> ===== Original call for comments =====
> We are beginning to think about enhancements to future
> versions of InterMapper. One frequent request we hear is for 
> better reporting capabilities. 
> Now that strip charts are implemented in InterMapper
> Remote/Console, InterMapper can provide a certain measure of 
> historical information. But it's likely that you would like 
> to see InterMapper could collect, format and display lots of 
> other data. 
> We'd like to know what kinds of reports or historical data
> that would be useful. Use the questions below as starters, 
> and send your thoughts back to this list to spur further comments. 
> -        Do you need daily, weekly, monthly reports? Of what kinds of
> information? 
> -        Do you want reports of outages, traffic trends, utilization? 
> -        Do you care how the data is saved? Would text files 
> suffice? Is an SQL
> database required? 
> -        If the data were saved in a SQL database, would you 
> want direct access
> to the DBMS? 
> -        How would you use this data? To help improve 
> service? To look for
> trouble spots? To convince your boss you're doing a good job? :-) 
> We look forward to your thoughts. Many thanks!
> Rich Brown
> Dartware, LLC 
> ____________________________________________________________________
> List archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/intermapper-talk%40list.dartware.com/
> To unsubscribe: send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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