Hello there,

this is a really important feature request to me.

I'd like it possible to define a default duplex value for (giga|fast|*)ethernet 
interfaces. I
have some maps with dozens of ethernet links, all full-duplex (who does half again 
??), and
it's such a pain to have to go on each link to specify it's a full duplex one.

I know IM can't determine this as there's no standard SNMP object for this (as far as 
I know
and have looked for), but just an option to specify the default, please :)

Another request (already asked for it with no answer): the drawn links sizes are not 
I have some 2,5Gbs links that appear smaller than the gigabit links. Could the 
thickness of the
link really be dependent of it ifSpeed, and not just react on gigabit ones ?

Thank you.
Jerome Fleury

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