On Tue, 18 May 2004, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> Thanks Andrei. I'm sorry about this mess (I know it's my fault).
> I think it's becoming clear things are being held back because of the 5.0 
> release. As I mentioned I also have some work I'm holding back.
> I suggest so that we make sure that things aren't being held back for too 
> long we plan on releasing 5.0 ASAP (IMO beginning of July would be a good 
> and reasonable goal. Besides a few bug fixes I don't have anything else on 
> my TODO).
> Once we release, it's probably best to branch 5.1 where we can start adding 
> the new features which need more testing (like the ones I'm hoping to add) 
> and keep 5.0 for bug fixes. We can then probably release 5.1 within a short 
> period of time. Is that OK?

Let's do it.

- Andrei

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