On Mon, 17 May 2004, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> This is why I allowed important features in despite the feature freeze. 
> However, it doesn't mean that unimportant stuff should go in as much as 
> people want because otherwise we can't make a good release. I don't think 
> open-source is about adding every single feature at any single point of 
> time. The result would be horrible instability (not that I think your patch 
> fits into this category I'm just saying that even open-source projects need 
> some care).

I never said that open source is about adding every single feature. My
comment was restricted to Sara's reply about my patch being buggy on
certain versions of bison.

> Anyway, due to your patch being pretty much self-contained I thought it 
> wouldn't be a big deal to introduce it. However, thinking it over, I don't 
> think it's a crucial enough patch to force it in. I doubt you see it this 
> way too. What's another 3-4 months going to do? People managed without it 
> up to now.

I've gotten some pretty strong responses about this patch being a very
useful one.

- Andrei

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