But what separates an import feature from a slightly less important one? One 
hand adding self contained function would not affect any of the code outside 
of the function, so why not add it. That said, this function may introduce 
new bugs and further delay the already much overdue release.
We maybe talking about a very handy feature, but this is not even self 
contained code, it affects the ini parsing subsystem which is used in many 
more places then just reading the PHP config file. People use it for 
application configs, PHP uses it for browscap stuff that is already flaky as 
it is, etc... The code could work fine in most cases but not all, we have no 
way of predicting the weirdness people have in their INI files.

Given the number of pending features various people want to add, perhaps now 
is the time for the 5.1 branch where all the new features can go to and if 
some prove to be stable and reliable. Then perhaps they can be introduced in 
5.0.1, which would probably soon follow the 5.0 release. Without a 
development branch we are likely to lose many interesting features as the 
patches would get lost on developers' drivers or stop being compatible with 
latest code revisions. While it certainly may complicate bug fixing as fixes 
will need to be ported across 3 trees in some cases, but that's a small price 
pay for gained flexibility.


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