Hi Manuel

Thanks for bringing this idea forward.

Adding a non-string construct to reference functions uniquely seems like a good idea and would be consistent with the existing ::class keyword for classes.

I'm wondering if it would be useful to take a page out of the book of other programming languages in order to shorten the notation further:

// First file.
namespace A\B;

function foo() { }

// Second file.
use function A\B\foo;

function bar(callable $c) { }

// Current approach.

// Notation without parantheses, references imported function.
// Similarly, in the future, Class::method could reference a
// class method.

// Notation with references, could be expanded in the future
// for static class methods, such as &Class::method.

The second example can already be achieved by defining your own constant that references the fully qualified name and importing it. However, an explicit, separate, import of these constants is still needed, which is not ideal.

A suffix "::func" would also be useful, but allowing shorter notation would improve readability when using the functional programming paradigm and composing functions.

Op di, feb 11, 2020 at 12:13 schreef Manuel Canga <manuelca...@gmail.com>:
Hi internals,
I Would like to present a possible new "::func resolution" for your

In first place, PHP now support "::class" in this way:

use My\I18N;

$mapped_array = array_map([I18N::class, 'translate'], $array);
It avoid add Full I18N  namespace in callback.

However with functions is different:

use function \My\I18N\i18n_translate;

$mapped_array = array_map('\My\I18N\i18n_translate', $array);

What is the useful here of importing the function?.
My proposal is ":func" in order to avoid full namespace in callback of
functions. E.g:

use function \My\I18N\i18n_translate;

$mapped_array = array_map(i18n_translate::func, $array);

"<string>::func" should validate if a function with `<string>` is imported.
In this case, "<string>::func" is replaced with FQN of this function,
otherwise with only "<string>"

What is your opinion ? Do you see it useful ?

Thanks and I'm sorry for my English( I'm a Spanish ).


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