> >   Unless there is some other way in PHP of restricting where you can run
> > programs from (can't find any),
> Why PHP needs to do that ? isnt that part of OS level security ?

There are those of us in shared environments where scripts can't be
run as a single user because the content is owned by a group of users
and thus a group is the limiting factor.  Since PHP is what is
allowing me to run scripts/progs through a php function I don't see
how it would be that difficult to lock that down to a specific
directory on a per vhost basis.

> >this is going to become a major problem.
> This is going to **solve** a major problem, this change will eliminate
> the false sense of security that safe_mode provides and will tell
> people to start securing their stuff better.
> safe_mode does not really resist any analysis, whoever convinced you
> that it is a good thing does not have a clue.

I will be the first to acknowledge that the basic premise of safe_mode
is broken (the part about uids/gids matching), but the extra feature I
used was a per vhost disabling of executing anything that wasn't php.

This is the real feature I want, simple per vhost disable functions.
I realize that suhosin provides a per vhost disable functions feature,
but why is it up to an extension to provide that?  The next thing I
would want is a per vhost exec dir limit.

People are too quick to throw out the baby with the bath water on
safe_mode.  It isn't completely useless to everyone.

-Nathan Gordon

If the database server goes down and there is no code to hear it, does
it really go down?

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