On 07.07.2009, at 20:04, Paul Biggar wrote:

Of course I am also quite opposed to sticking this into 5.3.

On which grounds? If you don't like the feature, please cast a -1

That adding language syntax sugar anything but a major or minor release is a bad idea. And this even if Ilia does manage to solve the BC issues. If there are BC issues, we shouldnt even have to talk about 5.3 for one second.

vote. If its because of the BC problems, I believe you and Johannes
have veto power on what goes into 5.3.x? If so, do you intend to use

I dont think we have a veto power, nor would I want to use it if we did have one. One job is to keep things focused and appeal to the general sanity if we feel that things are going off track. I would want to appeal to the general sanity on this one though :)

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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