On 23.03.2010, at 17:21, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> On 03/23/2010 09:11 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:
>> hi,
>> I would rather have some kind of rules defined before opening trunk
>> again (or the pandora box). That's what we are discussing right now.
>> May I know why you choosed that now is the right time to do it and
>> declare it open?
> We have rules.  Large features, write an RFC and we discuss it.  Small
> and obvious improvements follow commit-then-review as before.  We don't
> need more complicated rules than that.

Yeah, but I still think it would be a good idea to figure out lets say 3-5 big 
time features that we focus on for the next release and a rough timeline for 
the next release.

For example next major release Q2/Q3 2011:
- traits
- bundling APC
- large file and big number support
- ob patch
- unicode improvements (*)

(*) lets see what ideas we come up with, might turn out to be the big thing or 
maybe just a small incremental tweak here and there

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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