On 23.03.2010, at 18:15, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> My point is that your eventual list should come from things that have
> been committed to trunk and survived review and tests.

Sure, its only that many patches and todo items have been lingering (hello 
frustration?) because of the trunk situation, because we decided to then focus 
on 5.3 etc. Stuff like traits, the OB fixes have been flying around for a long 
time and just didnt get the last attention. LFS and big ints have also been on 
the roadmap for ages and it seems like at least for big numbers there is even a 
patch. If we now spend a few months to work on fun stuff (which is what we have 
trunk for) instead of focusing on getting this stuff finalized we are just 
delaying these patches. We all know that when we get towards crunch time we 
finalize patches way more quickly, than when we say "oh lets hack on stuff for 
a while and see where we get".

Again, for "fun development" there is trunk or feature branches. But we have 
enough stuff for a new major release right at our finger tips to start thinking 
about what our next release should look like instead of waiting for another 3-6 
months which would obviously also imply a delay of at least 6-9 months (because 
big new features we come up with in the next 3-6 months will need their time to 
make it into trunk as well).

So sure lets take until the end of April to think about a set of patches we 
want, but please lets not spend the next 3-6 months coming up with entirely new 
ideas to put into the next major update. Then again this might just be a 
misunderstanding and you are also just talking about giving some key features a 
few weeks to make it into trunk and in a state where we feel fairly certain 
that we can fix any issues should there still be any.

In conclusion:
There should of course be fun in just hacking out cool stuff, but I think for 
most developers a big part of the fun is actually seeing your ideas in a stable 

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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