On 10/29/2010 09:29 PM, James Butler wrote:
I'll bite.

Why should this be changed? Is it broken? Is it something that 1 second on 
google can't answer?
If somebody is advanced enough to be using classes (I think about the only time 
you would use a double colon) then they should know what it means.

James Butler
Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Oct 2010, at 02:51, "Chad Emrys"<ad...@codeangel.org>  wrote:

The fact they have to google to figure out what it means, the error message fails at it's purpose. (Realistically it'll take longer than a second unless you got google hot keyed to your log reader). I Liked Stefan's idea in the previous thread to not put token names in the error messages anymore and replace them with something more meaningful for the user. However, since that never happened, this is a better/easier alternative for now. How many total hours of googling will we save developers for a 10 sec grep and replace? (not sure if it's that easy, but for the sake of the argument).

I can see only positives by switching it out. can someone give me a light on how much it would actually cost to do that? Some negatives? I don't see the argument given to be entirely helpful because it's exactly what I am trying to point out as a problem, and the reason why we should change it.

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