On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:35, Chad Emrys <ad...@codeangel.org> wrote:
> Most likely not, we don't get tons of questions about other parser errors,
> unless the person refuses to read the error message to begin with (Those
> can't be fixed, true.  But this for those people that DO read the messages,
> which is greater number than what you guys lead on)

    I have to say, you certainly are sure of yourself when it comes to
describing our opinions and actions, yet - aside from argue a point
that has little chance of succeeding here, as you can tell - you've
done nothing to give your point validity outside of your own
experience and interpretations.

    You mentioned how great it was that PHP is FOSS, and that you'd
only have to bribe whomever is handling patch reviews and submissions.
 Another great thing about FOSS: your right to fork.

</Daniel P. Brown>
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

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