On 10/30/2010 01:02 PM, James Butler wrote:
Are you supporting users who you provide a shared hosting embodiment too, and 
do you control binary installations on the enviroments? If so then possibly 
patching source for you installs maybe the easiest and quickest solution.
If we knew the nature of your support requirements, then we could possibly 
suggest a better solution or be won round. (although internals isn't the place 
for that really)

This is not meant to bait but possibly an improvement in your support process 
or docs might yield a solution?

James Butler
Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Oct 2010, at 17:51, "Chad Emrys"<ad...@codeangel.org>  wrote:

No I support a general PHP support community. We help everywhere from beginners to seasoned experts, and probably help around hundreds of people a day.

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