On 05/11/2011 01:39 AM, dukeofgaming wrote:
The link doesn't work, but I'm assuming it is this one?:

That was supposed to be wiki.php.net/rfc (iPad auto-correct messed it up)

In other words, the ideal situation to move this particular case forward
is to have more stakeholders join the discussion, right?. An issue that
I see here is that it is not that easy to join in the discussion because:

I don't think we need to lower the participation bar further here. It doesn't take very long to find a threaded version of the list if that is what you think is holding people back. All the lists are here, http://php.markmail.org/search/ for example.

But honestly, subscribing to a mailing list and watching it for a while before participating is not too much to ask from people who want to participate.

My suggestion for this —and it would be a rather disruptive one, I know—
is to move the lists to Google Groups, or at least create one or two as
an experiment, say: php-userland and php-dev.

We have such a user list already. Many of them actually, but the main one is php-general. Again, refer to the above link where you can see that php-general gets way more traffic than the internals list, so there is no lack of participation there.

BTW, Guilherme is an important stakeholder too, he has participated in
Doctrine2 annotation-related work:

Of course he is. But like I said, we need all the major stakeholders to reach some sort of agreement on large efforts like this.

The way I see it, PHP has moved by inertia all these years, and it has
worked, but I think there are measures that could be taken to lead the
discussions towards a more productive path. For example, is there anyone
at all that does some kind of moderation?, and I don't mean the coercive
type, but the "hey guys, this seems off-topic, can you start this
discussion on another email thread?" type of moderation.

Of course. I've often sent private emails to people to politely suggest they take things offline and others regularly step in as well.


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