On 4/20/2012 9:48 PM, C.Koy wrote:

Java, C#, Python, Ruby... are all case-sensitive. This is not a feature
to be (mis-)used so that one can have a function named myfunc() and
MyFunc() in the same code base.
Case-insensitive class/function/interface names is a confusion for
everyone with non-PHP development experience. There's not a modern OO
platform that defines an interface named 'IDispatch' and later allows it
to be referenced as 'idispatch' or 'iDispatch'. And PHP is becoming more
OO with every major release.
Overall, full case-sensitivity seems to be a natural step in PHP's

Let me add this: case-insensitivity is a burden for tool developers.
For example, any ctags-based editor/IDE out there won't find the definition of myfunc() when you request "Goto tag's definition" if it's defined as MyFunc().

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