On 04/20/2012 08:48 PM, C.Koy wrote:
> On 4/20/2012 8:57 PM, Kris Craig wrote:
>> Turkish localization notwithstanding (I confess that I know absolutely *
>> nothing* about that lol), one possible use-case could be if you're
>> including an external library/framework that contains a function with the
>> same name but different case.  I'm not sure how likely that is, mind you,
>> but I can see that as one potential benefit.  Either way, I guess my
>> point
>> is that the arguments for/against this seem to parallel the arguments for
>> Windows-style fso case-insensitivity vs. Unix-style fso case-sensitivity.
> Java, C#, Python, Ruby... are all case-sensitive. This is not a feature
> to be (mis-)used so that one can have a function named myfunc() and
> MyFunc() in the same code base.
> Case-insensitive class/function/interface names is a confusion for
> everyone with non-PHP development experience. There's not a modern OO
> platform that defines an interface named 'IDispatch' and later allows it
> to be referenced as 'idispatch' or 'iDispatch'. And PHP is becoming more
> OO with every major release.
> Overall, full case-sensitivity seems to be a natural step in PHP's
> evolution.

I also have the feeling that cleaner code with consistent case would be
a benefit. While I admit we can't change that from one day to the other
(as we couldn't with other changes) I think we might possibly add a
special kind of "deprecation" where the non-matching case would still
work but (if you activate those deprecation-warnings) would trigger
warnings so you can clean up your code.

Various projects that I work on take explicit care of the case when
auto-creating classnames etc. - not because they must but because they
want to be consistent. And that's the thing I like about it.


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