Hi Nikita,

I admit, I have ignored these threads as there was no RFC. So, some of this may have been covered.

Do you have a good example usage other than a file? I don't find fopen/fgets/fclose all that complicated. What are the other valid use cases for such a thing?

Also, not allowing rewinding is unintuitive for something that is an iterator in PHP. If I can foreach() it and I can call next() on it, I expect to be able to reset() it as well. IMO, you would need to issue a FATAL PHP error if that simply is not allowed. Or you have to have a second syntax for what to do in that case. At that point, you are implementing Iterator.

While I am glad that PHP has borrowed syntax from many languages, I find the yield keyword to be very WTF when I first saw it. It is also poorly explained in your RFC. You use terms like "sending and receiving". That does not say "returns from function execution" to me. I had to basically figure it out from the code examples.

Lastly, because you cite needing this for sending data to PHPUnit, I think this is a user land problem and not a core problem. In about 5 minutes I implemented a reusable Generator object that does exactly what you need. http://pastebin.com/V336rEpR At least, it does what your examples show you need. Again, file IO is very easy and perhaps that example does not explain your true need very well.


On 8/11/12 8:42 AM, Nikita Popov wrote:
Hi internals!

I think there already was a lot of discussion on the generators, so
it's time to move to the next step. I'd like to vote on the feature in
two weeks, so this the "announce[ment] on internals@, by the author,
with the intention of voting on it".


If you have any further feedback, now would be a good time to raise
it. If there is something you previously posted, but which I didn't
yet address, please let me know. There were around 150 mails and I
sure missed some of them.


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