> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Ferrara [mailto:ircmax...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: 13 August 2012 03:49
> To: Brian Moon
> Cc: Nikita Popov; PHP internals
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Generators
> Brian,
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Brian Moon 
> <br...@moonspot.net> wrote:
> > Hi Nikita,
> >
> > I admit, I have ignored these threads as there was no RFC. 
> So, some of 
> > this may have been covered.
> >
> There was an RFC in those posts... It was just being iterated over.
> > Do you have a good example usage other than a file? I don't find 
> > fopen/fgets/fclose all that complicated. What are the other 
> valid use 
> > cases for such a thing?
> >
> Here's a quick set of examples:
> > Also, not allowing rewinding is unintuitive for something 
> that is an 
> > iterator in PHP. If I can foreach() it and I can call 
> next() on it, I 
> > expect to be able to reset() it as well. IMO, you would 
> need to issue 
> > a FATAL PHP error if that simply is not allowed. Or you 
> have to have a 
> > second syntax for what to do in that case. At that point, you are 
> > implementing Iterator.
> >
> I partially agree. rewinding the generator might be possible, 
> but it's hard to tell in those cases. It's hard to tell if 
> resetting it is even possible from the code level. So I'm 
> pretty much OK with living with that restriction for the time
> > While I am glad that PHP has borrowed syntax from many languages,
> > find the yield keyword to be very WTF when I first saw it. 
> It is also 
> > poorly explained in your RFC. You use terms like "sending and 
> > receiving". That does not say "returns from function 
> execution" to me. 
> > I had to basically figure it out from the code examples.
> >
> It's absolutely something that takes getting used to. But 
> it's also quite intuitive once you think about it. You're not 
> "returning" back to the parent scope (exiting your scope), 
> you're "yielding" a value to the parent scope, expecting to 
> continue on later (think of it as a stop light where you let 
> the other code run for a while until you go to the next one).
> > Lastly, because you cite needing this for sending data to 
> PHPUnit, I 
> > think this is a user land problem and not a core problem. 
> In about 5 
> > minutes I implemented a reusable Generator object that does 
> exactly what you need.
> > http://pastebin.com/V336rEpR At least, it does what your 
> examples show 
> > you need. Again, file IO is very easy and perhaps that example
> > not explain your true need very well.
> >
> Well, there's one thing that should be made clear. There's 
> nothing (and I mean that) that generators provide that you 
> can't do already. You can build iterators that do exactly the 
> same thing. 

Not true. Iterator::current() cannot return references, but generators
can yield them.


function &map(array &$row, array $order)
        foreach($order as $index)
                yield $row[$index];

foreach(map($row, [1,3,5,7,9]) as &$ref)

> Anthony


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