On 8/12/12 5:33 PM, Levi Morrison wrote:
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Brian Moon <br...@moonspot.net> wrote:
Do you have a good example usage other than a file? I don't find 
fopen/fgets/fclose all that complicated. What are the other valid use cases for 
such a thing?

One fabulous use case is creating an iterator for a Binary Search
Tree.  A post order done without generators looks like:
  An iterator using a generator looks something like:

     public function getIterator() {
         if ($this->left) yield* $this->left;
         yield $this->value;
         if ($this->right) yield* $this->right;

This is 5 lines.  The fully commented version of the post-order
iterator previously mentioned is 106 lines of code and is considerably
harder to understand.

Well, it's 52 lines, not 106. The 5 lines above are not commented nor are they spaced at all like the ones in the class. In the above example, what sets $this->right? or $this->left? There has to be more calling code around this. I don't consider this a very good example.


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