On 02/27/2013 01:01 PM, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:

> ps: I really love what you guys did with opensourcing it, but I just think
> that it is too late for 5.5 and I think that it is better to stick to the
> original roadmap, instead of having a 6 months delay just to ship the O+ in
> the core 6months earlier than the next version after 5.5 would be shipped
> if we would have followed the yearly release plan in the first place.

This is where I think we have a big disconnect. This yearly release plan
is meaningless for most people because there is no way the current
opcode cache situation can keep up with that. PHP 5.4 wasn't really
released until APC was mostly stable with it which was 6+ months after
the release. This is the most urgent thing we need to fix in the PHP
world. Everything else in this 5.5 release is irrelevant as far as I am
concerned and we are pushing because of an arbitrary deadline that is
tighter than most previous releases.

In order to actually get the project onto a feasible yearly release
cycle we need to pool the few resources we do have around a single
opcode cache implementation and push it as the one and only option as it
will force each new shiny feature to tackle opcode support from day one
as opposed to circling back around to it as an afterthought as has
happened so often. And no, time has proven that this can't be done by
having it in pecl. It didn't work for APC despite me trying to push that
and I don't see why it would work for O+.

Note that if you take the PHP 5.4 release date as the date APC started
working reliably with it, we are well within the yearly release cycle
and not actually late at all.


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