On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Ryan McCue <li...@rotorised.com> wrote:
> Matthew Leverton wrote:
> This is already the case. In libraries that accept options via an array,
> those array keys are pretty much set in stone (although you can map them
> if you need to change a key).
The big difference here is if I accept an options array, I understand
that the keys are important and would never break backward
compatibility by changing a parameter name. This isn't a case of "if
you don't like it, then don't use it" because every function I create
now has to respect the possibility of accepting named parameters,
whether I care about it or not. And I sure hope every function I call
is created by and maintained by somebody with those same

My opinion is that this really isn't as cool as it sounds, especially
since we have short array syntax. Again, I don't really care if it's
accepted into PHP, but I think it will be more of a minor nuisance for
me than anything else.

Matthew Leverton

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