On 6 September 2013 13:01, Dan Ackroyd <dan...@basereality.com> wrote:
>> I'd say the odds are that those sorts of users are going to be writing
>> code that is required to be notice/strict clean anyway — that's
>> certainly been true everywhere I've worked that's had a "modern"
>> codebase.
> Yes, so say you have a team that:
> * currently has a code base that is notice/strict clean
> * wants to move to PHP 5.x which has named parameters
> * have code which changes the param name in extends/implements
> Unless they rewrite their code, they wouldn't be able to upgrade next
> version of PHP without losing their strict/notice cleaness. So how would you
> suggest they upgrade to the version of PHP with named parameters?

At the risk of being glib, by cleaning up their parameter names. A
team that's testing a PHP upgrade is likely capable of that, and the
strict notices would give them the needed feedback in the early stages
of testing. That's hardly a rewrite.

> Also I'm not sure that having which error level is used actually changes the
> behaviour of the language in a meaningful way. It only suppresses a
> particular warning message, which can be suppressed anyway with
> error_reporting(0).

I don't really care which level actually gets used (it could be
anywhere from E_STRICT to E_WARNING from where I sit), but I don't
think the error reporting for a particular feature should ever be
controllable separately from PHP's global error reporting. These sorts
of warnings are there to promote better practice.


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