On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't like the way this is heading with regards to internal functions.
> Apart from better inter-compatibility, the primary appeal of Andrea's
> proposal was that we have the option to make not only userland function
> calls strict, but internal ones as well. With these modifications this is
> lost for all practical purposes. (*)
Personally, I agree with you.  I liked Andrea's proposal a lot, and if
we put this back up for vote it probably would pass the 2/3rd majority
needed.  That said, if we can build a better consensus, we should try

> I don't buy into Rasmus arguments about internal functions. They concern one
> particular edge case (int->float coercion) and I doubt they have much
> relevance if applied to codebases with pervasive use of typehints (where you
> can be reasonably sure of the types of your variables). Even if, for the
> sake of argument, we acknowledge the concern as valid we should be
> discussing that particular case (int->float coercion) rather than dropping
> the strict typing for internal functions altogether.
I don't fully buy into it either, particularly if we apply
meta-types/unions. I do have to acknowledge his point about
"encouraging the use of blind casts" though.  Having a mass of PHP
standard library functions suddenly look typed or apply a different
set of coercion rules than one is used to is potentially dangerous.


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