Hi Dmitry and Anthony,

I was skimming through your conversation about JIT/AOT and that type hints 
would allow to optimise few things.
I do not know if you are aware of the following but type hints can be passed 
by. Hence neither weak or strict type hints allow to predict the type (even if 
only locally):

function handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline){
    return true;

class Foo{}
function foo(int $x, Foo $f){
  var_dump($x, $f); 
  $y = $x; //should be int as well, right?
foo(new Foo(), 1);

Sure, this is something which is hopefully never ever done but anyway, a 
language needs to be able to handle all cases. 

As a side notice, if the exceptions in the engine RFC is accepted, then this 
would not be a problem anymore:

Personally, I would expect that the execution is stopped after the 
error_handler was called (after user was able to log etc.)  - at least in 
strict mode.


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