On 03/14/2015 01:10 PM, Derick Rethans wrote:
On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Arvids Godjuks wrote:

It's magic_quotes and register_globals all over again, but this time
you can't fix it with some PHP code.

It is not even close to equivalent. As those options are php.ini
settings. There is nothing, absolutely *nothing*, that will change if
you, as an author of a PHP file, does not use typehints in that file.

If a dev turns a file that he or she wrote into strict mode, then that
only counts for that specific file. If you take over some code, then you
can remove the declare line. *none* of those things you'd be able to do
with ini settings. So don't shout out that nonsense FUD.

It's equivalent to an ini setting in that it changes the behavior of the code based on something that is declared elsewhere. Obviously a declare statement in the top of the file is a lot better than an ini setting, but I think the principle is the same.

I prefer consistency over choice. I don't think it's that important that it matches my wishes/requirements exactly, because it's never going to; but if a switch is going to be implemented, I'm going to have to use both depending on who I work with/for, and that seems a lot more annoying than whatever the type system ends up being.

I would strongly prefer a type system that matches the current type conversion rules, and slowly 'strengthen' these *together*, over the next few major releases to something that matches the weak type system proposals.

Somewhat unrelated: I don't really buy the javascript strict mode comparison. Strict mode was added to differentiate between an 'old' and a 'new' system, but here two new modes are added in one go.

Just my 2 cents.


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