
> That declare thing with the removal of block-aware declare(){} kills one of
> the fundamental optimizations you can do for large PHP projects - compacting
> most used files into one single big file and caching it. And you never had
> to  care what the files are - just splice it all together and let autoload
> handle the rare cases. With single declare statement I effectivly have to
> scan all the code, remove declare statements and choose a mode globally.
> Well, it might work for a small project, but in a big project with multiple
> teams or even multiple vendors doing different parts.... <-- That's why it isn't
supported. I tried. I wanted to. It's just not feasible. If you want
to find a way, go for it. We can then add that mode later. Awesome!

However, if you really want to merge files together, great. Strip out
the strict mode and change everything to weak. It will all still work
100% **unless** you relied on the exception (which you shouldn't be
doing anyway).

And that's not even mentioning that with opcache the benefits of
merging files together is diminished significantly. But if you want
to, there's still a way.

> At this point I have only swearing words for the proposing persons and
> supporters.
> It's magic_quotes and register_globals all over again, but this time you
> can't fix it with some PHP code.
> You really had to fuck it all up for us, the userland developers, didn't
> you?
> Sorry, but I now question the wisdom and sanity of most new PHP folks.
> Because the old once see the danger and vote "no". And everyone just thinks
> they act up. Well, you wrong. I will nit be surprised if they just leave the
> project for good after this.

Please remain respectful. That section was *way* out of line, and you
really must know that.


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