
I ran some numbers on the current votes of the dual-mode vote right
now. There were a number of voters that I didn't recognize. So I
decided to pull some stats.

The following voters never voted before the dual-mode RFC went up:

dom - no
eliw - no
kguest - yes
kk - no
nohn - no
oliver - yes
richsage - yes
sammywg - no
spriebsch - no
srain - no
theseer - no
zimt - no

Some of these names I recognize from list (sammywg and eliw), but many I do not.

The interesting thing happens when you look at the voting direction.

Currently, the RFC is slightly losing 70:37 (65.4%).

If we look at percentages, 4.2% of yes voters have never voted in a
prior RFC. But a whopping 24.3% of no voters have never voted before.

If we adjust the votes to remove these "never voted" accounts, it
stands at 67:28. Which is 70.5%. Which is basically where the vote was
prior to the competing RFC opening.

I'm not saying that all of these are bad votes. Nor that they
shouldn't be counted. I think it does raise a significant question
around the voting practices.

Something that I think we need to discuss as a group.

So consider that discussion open.


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