On 3/15/15 10:19 AM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
> [...]
> The following voters never voted before the dual-mode RFC went up:
> [...]
> eliw - no
> [...]
> Some of these names I recognize from list (sammywg and eliw), but many I do 
> not.
> [...]
> I'm not saying that all of these are bad votes. Nor that they
> shouldn't be counted. I think it does raise a significant question
> around the voting practices.

Hello Anthony ... given I was 'called out' here I figured I should
respond.  My vote (and the situation around it) is exactly what people
have assumed.  That is:

1. I've long been a member (prominent by some people's definitions) of
the PHP Community

2. I've long been a member of Internals, and read everything, and at
times join the discussion when I feel I have something to contribute. 
(If I don't, then I don't clutter the list - there's enough clutter and
enough amazingly smart people on this list, like both you and Zeev, that
I'm content to read the excellent discussions)

3. I was long (long) ago offered an acct to have a vote, and actually
declined because I didn't feel it warranted.

4. A while ago, I ended up getting an acct anyway, because I started
helping out with the documentation/webmaster/calendar stuff which noone
else was doing

5. I still never used my vote, on any issues, even the PHP 7 one which I
was one of the main instigators of.  Because I, like Padraig, kinda was
in that mentality that I shouldn't use it.  And that I would wait, until
there was a proposal that I felt very strongly about, and where my
vote/my voice could make a difference.  To cast my vote.

And so in this case, my first case.  I did cast a vote.

And unfortunately I have received no end of private (and some public)
flak about said vote.  And while I know that you are just looking at
numbers and being open about 'Hey this is interesting lets chat about
this'.  Others have not been so kind.

FWIW - I would always assume the best of people - And I would assume
that others on that voting list in fact were in similar situations. 
Where they hadn't voted before simply because they didn't feel they felt
strongly enough about something.   Also this is the first 'on the edge'
hyper-contentious vote in quite a while, which means that lurkers are
much more likely to have it come to their attention that this vote is
happening, and therefore that they should familiarize themselves with it
and cast a vote.

As to why so many of those 1st time voters, who have decided their vote
is worthwhile, happen to be voting no more often than not.  Well I have
other theories on that (which do not include any negative consequences
or foul play, but simple cases of human mentality and 'community' vs
'community' discussions)

In service to PHP,

|   Eli White   |   http://eliw.com/   |   Twitter: EliW   |

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