> Sorry, but ... even though your original RFC was very unclear about this,
> everybody went by the "all votes must start by the 15th" interpretation
> that
> has been discussed in that thread. Do you think it's an accident that a
> whopping six RFC votes started today? It isn't.
> Please don't start reinterpreting things to fit your needs. I am
> personally
> totally fine with extending the PHP 7 timeline by say one month - but if
> we do
> that, let's make it official and applying to everyone, not just some
> particular
> RFC. I know for sure that there are a number of additional RFCs that would
> have been submitted for PHP 7 had anyone known that it'll be allowed.

First off, this is Bob's interpretation which he brought up on Friday.  Yes,
ideally I would have read the original text during the discussion period and
commented on it, but I didn't.  I think the 3 month period for
implementation (that's mostly done) and testing gives a very reasonable time
period to absorb the most lax of interpretations.

I think it would be a shame to delay the timeline for this, but I also think
it would be a shame for the timeline - that was *clearly* not designed to
create de-facto bias towards one RFC or the other - to do exactly that.

Even if we were to push the timeline out by a bit, how do we do it?  An RFC
with a minimum discussion period of two weeks and another week for a vote?
That kind of defeats the purpose.  A gentlemen's agreement?  Something else?


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