
> I didn't understand.
> Of course we keep a class definition, where the type of property "$a" -
> IS_LONG, but the actual value of "$a" may become IS_UNDEF.

What I'm saying is maybe it's fine.

> In PHP-7 we check for IS_LONG without type hint.
> With type hint and ability to unset(), we will have to check for IS_LONG
> anyway.

Well, we'd have to check for IS_UNDEF, but we won't have to choose

> So type hinting won't improve reading performance, but writing is going
> to be slower, because we have to perform type check.
> So even theoretically this approach couldn't make any improvement.

Maybe I misunderstand what performance improvements there are. Do we do
different things when reading a variable depending on type? I thought
it's for *operations* with variables, but for just reading them it
doesn't matter. For operations, we could have instead of function
handling all types just function handling IS_LONG and a small check for
UNDEF inside.

I think it is mych better than a weird concept of non-unsettable variable.
Stas Malyshev

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