Why not like C#?

[Description("My Function")]
function my_function()

Without the semicolon, this wouldn't be valid in any other context.
On 26 Apr 2016 8:41 a.m., "Dmitry Stogov" <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:

On 04/25/2016 11:20 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

> Hi!
> No, but this is valid:
>> @atrr(); function foo() { ... }
>> That's perhaps a little too close for comfort...?
> That's different syntax. If you put ; in the middle of statement, it can
> change - "$c = $a + $b;" is not the same as "$c = $a; + $b;" - but
> nobody thinks + can not be used because of that. As I said, << and >>
> are existing operators too, so if you are creative enough, I'm sure you
> can find cases like that too.
> Hi Stas,

You may try to replace attribute syntax with @attr(...) (without semicolon)
into our PHP parser.
Note that we have LALR grammar + restrictions caused by semantic actions.
If you are able to do this, I'll add it into the RFC as an option.

Thanks. Dmitry.

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