On 05/05/2016 02:07 AM, Dmitry Stogov wrote:

Maybe that's what we want to have here - freedom for everybody to invent
their own languages - but I fear the danger of fragmentation here and
also people implementing tons of slightly different incompatible parsers
for ASTs that are generated. We'd have Drupal attributes and Symphony
attributes and Doctrine attributes and Zend attributes and so on, and
each of them would have different semantics. Not sure this would be
good. But maybe it avoids arguing about the syntax now.
Today, we have the same with doc-comments.
Attributes eliminate the need for separate parser and perform syntax validation at compile time. They also provide flexible syntax to support all existing annotation systems, but they can't solve semantic problems, because they are just meta-data.

This, I think, is the key point of disagreement.

The proposal does not, actually, provide enough functionality to be useful. It's a first step, but it doesn't go far enough to actually address the problem space. Because while it may provide rudimentary syntax validation (basically, is it a legal PHP string) it doesn't provide any semantic validation (it is a meaningful PHP string if interpreted the right way), because it doesn't define "right way".

As Rowan noted, there are lots of technically-legal PHP strings that an AST would be totally fine with that are still completely different and incompatible as far as actually using them. To enhance his examples a bit:

<<Push($foo >> Translator)>>


<<Query($foo ?? '//item[id=42]')>>

I could easily see, for instance, Doctrine annotations building the first, PHPUnit the second, and Zend the 3rd. Those would all be legal-ish, but semantically very different. And there's also then no guarantee that $foo >> Translator actually means a bit-shift (I don't even know what a bitshift in that case would mean), it could mean anything that Doctrine decided to mutate it into. Does the second example actually mean to pipe values, or could it also be parsed into something else? Are lower and escape function names, or magic values that my add-on parser knows?

At that point, the only value-add over the status quo (hack the docblock) is a common lexer. But since the semantics are not guaranteed on top of that, it's really not that useful.

I'm not fully convinced that all the way to Doctrine classes is the right alternative. It may be, it may not be, I'm not sure yet. But as someone who would be using this system in user-space, I am very convinced that the current proposal simply doesn't go far enough to be useful to me.

--Larry Garfield

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